Tropico 3 cheats more people
Tropico 3 cheats more people

On some maps it is deliberately, totally impossible but most of the time it can be done. By far the trickiest thing however is building roads that go up the sides of hills. The game has a very irritating habit of taunting you by showing you how you'd like roads to link up but preventing you from doing so. Don't build crossroads - they slow traffic down.īuilding roads can be strangely annoying. The intention is to avoid the choke points that will appear where everyone is being funnelled down one particular stretch of road – causing massive delays which will eventually destroy your economy. My roads generally hug the beach/mountains with connecting roads in-between.

tropico 3 cheats more people

Don't build single roads, build several roads so cars have alternative ways of getting around. This was fine until the population got to around 400 and then the volume of traffic all on that one road would really slow everything down.

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The Industry Ad Campaign edict is very good as it increases the price of your export goods but needs a TV station.įor my first few games, I used to build single roads that connected up my buildings from one side of the map to the other. Entertainment buildings are profitable too - give people the opportunity to spend their wages. A good trick is when you raise your peoples wages, charge them extra for their rent. With an advanced economy, you will find the wage bill is crippling and to maintain profits, you will need new areas of revenue or to cut your costs (much like real life). This is what happens when you focus too much on making your people happy and not enough on making money. STAGE 4: Keep on going until the time runs out – but watch out for an economic slump. Build one wind turbine to make the environmentalists happy - you'd need a lot of money to power the entire island that way though. I build it somewhere remote and then build stations to expand the grid. STAGE 3: Build a power plant to get all the factory/building upgrades that require electricity. A grade school or two is not vital and doesn't visibly improve anything but I think is useful to have nonetheless. You can now build factories and other such buildings that require educated workers. Hire a foreign expert in for each and pay them a higher wage so they don't change jobs. STAGE 2: Scrape together the cash to build a high school and college. You need to do this as quickly as possible when starting a game as if you don't, the Communists soon become unhappy with you due to the lack of housing/clinics and perversely you are then denied the edict which means you then have to spend a lot of money on full-priced housing to get back into their good books. This reduces the costs of tenements and apartments by half which will save you a lot of money.

tropico 3 cheats more people

I will build advanced buildings, work out how the road will connect to them and then delete the building.Īlso, from the very start, build a diplomatic ministry and get the USSR Development edict. This stage can seem slow to pass as money is so tight so I like to lay my road system for the entire island during this stage to pass the time.

tropico 3 cheats more people tropico 3 cheats more people

I always build two or three Construction Offices as well. There is no point expanding beyond that (for example by building an oil refinery or a clinic or a church) because you won't have the skilled workers to run them. For now, only build the buildings that hire the uneducated – mines, farms, garages, teamsters, ranches. Have an idea where everything is so you can come back to them later. Get a sense of what industries to build (I personally never build furniture factories). STAGE 1: Look at the resources on the map. Every level/map in Tropico 3 follows the same pattern:

Tropico 3 cheats more people